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Resurfacing the Gym Floor

Call to Action!

The Pack needs your help, to help the school. As you know our school is facing financial constraints and unable to help with this. This is where you and us come in!
Our gym is in dire need of resurfacing and it is to the point where it is unsafe. The goal is to cover the cost at $15000!! This quote is good for 30 days. Anything we raise over will go to a new volleyball set up (Usually around $5,000)
Though we raise money through out the year it is not enough to cover this after we help support in other ways.

All donors will go on our massive 3ftx15ft donor banner that will hang in the gym for the 2024-25 school year!

If you would like to donate please go to our website here: https://www.thepacklopez.com/.../DonateGymResurfacing/94...

Businesses, this is where you come in! Show your support for our athletics and get your brand out there!

Sign up for a spot here: https://forms.gle/LQvw8hiakBtEZBgR7

Thank you for considering and Thank you for Running with The Pack!

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