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Earth Day is for the birds!

Join Beth St. George for a Hummel Lake bird walk on Sunday afternoon April 21, the “eve” of Earth Day, and learn about the important ecological role of the lake for migratory songbirds and waterfowl. Meet Beth at the Land Bank parking area (just off Center Road) at 8:30 am.

Hummel Lake is one of the largest lakes in the San Juan Islands, and it is our last relatively intact glacial “kettle” lake formed by the slow melting of an orphaned block of glacial ice. More than half of Hummel Lake’s shoreline is protected by public and private conservancies, providing birds with a large swath of vegetated shallows and marshland with cattails, bulrush, pond lilies, and fully submerged plants such as coontail that provide nesting and foraging habitat for scores of bird species, including many that can be found nowhere else on Lopez.

The number of participants must be limited, so if you would like to join Beth on Sunday April 21, please reserve your place by email at: info@kwiaht.org

And don’t forget Kwiaht’s workPARTY at Hummel Lake boat ramp on Monday April 22, 2:00 - 6:00 pm!

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