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KLOI: War is Not Our Nature

Pathways: Sundays at 8PM
War is Not Our Nature with Paul K. Chappell
#22-19 Pathways

Paul K. Chappell gave this lecture in Seattle in 2011 and was filmed by Todd F. Boyle. Paul is now the Executive Director of Peace Literacy found at peaceliteracy.org Born in a multi-racial family, Paul graduated from West Point and is a veteran of the war in Iraq. He created the idea of Peace Literacy after his time in the military. He developed the idea further in his seven-book series The Road to Peace where he writes about waging peace, ending war, the art of living, and what it means to be human.

Since 2009 Chappell has offered workshops for educators, activists, community and faith leaders, law enforcement, veterans, and has taught courses on Peace Literacy and Leadership in colleges across the US and Canada. In 2017, Chappell began work with a team of educational experts, coordinated by Sharyn Clough, Director of Phronesis Lab and Professor of Philosophy at Oregon State University, to design and teach Peace Literacy curriculum and assessment for use in public school through adult and higher education. (This information is from Wikipedia.)

He also comments on how now we are dealing with survival issues and how that blends with waging peace.I think you will find this recording very thought provoking.

Link for streaming is:

Thank you for listening. If you have a topic for a show, please email it to Brenda at brenaster@aol.com .

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