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KLOI - The Not Old - Better Show with Paul Vogelzang

The Not Old - Better Show is a fascinating, high-energy radio program and is the exclusive content provider of The Smithsonian Associates Interview Series. Each week, award-winning journalist and host of the Not Old - Better Show, Paul Vogelzang, interviews health and nutrition experts, lifestyle and culture experts, and ordinary people living extraordinary lives, all delivering the message that it's never too late to pursue your passions and create a life of purpose, adventure, and significance.

This Week:
Discover the magic behind every wag & woof! Dive into "Unleashing Love: The Science and Soul of the Human-Dog Bond" with Smithsonian Associates Jen Golbeck & Stacey Colino on KLOI Community Radio. Uncover the groundbreaking science and heartwarming stories that reveal how our furry friends shape our health, happiness, and hearts.

Ever wondered how deep your dog's love goes? Prepare to be amazed by the profound ways our four-legged companions love us back, enriching our lives beyond measure. Tune in, transform your understanding, and celebrate the purest bond.

#DogLoversUnite #ThePurestBond #KLOIRadio #HumanDogConnection #SmithsonianAssociates

SubjectKLOI - The Not Old - Better Show with Paul Vogelzang
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