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Land Bank Commission Supports Lincoln Bormann

Public support for the Land Bank over three elections has resulted the recognition of the Land Bank as the only publicly funded land bank in Washington and one of few in the country, and that support has been heard clearly in the public support for Lincoln in the current crisis.

Over the past 17 years, Lincoln has successfully managed complex acquisitions resulting in a conservation portfolio of over 5,000 acres of public conservation open space in the San Juan Islands. He’s cultivated a loyal and hardworking stewardship staff whose longevity is testament to his effective leadership, all while staying well under administrative budget limits. He’s leveraged outside funding sources to more than double the value of County REET funding, and forged fruitful partnerships, thereby amplifying conservation efforts in the county even further.

He’s a strategic, creative thinker, able to shift priorities as needs evolve, such as our current focus on climate mitigation. We’re counting on Lincoln to shepherd numerous partner projects in the works with SJPT, opening new preserves to the public as well as his participation in the Parks, Trails and Natural Areas Plan, which is due later this year, to retain eligibility for grant funding. Lincoln’s experience, relationships and local knowledge are essential to the continuing success of San Juan County’s Conservation Land Bank.

We recognize that in closing large and expensive land transactions, involving multiple partner signoffs under tight time constraints, steps can get missed, details lost, communications frayed. We’re committed to working with Lincoln to improve communications with the Council and partner organizations. We’re also eager to help correct the current trajectory of relations between all parties, including the public, so that we can get back to the good work that’s needed. In order to do that, the Council needs to take the first step by showing an affirmative sign.

We ask that you demonstrate your support for the Land Bank by publicly endorsing Lincoln’s continuing service and leadership as well as that you foster a respectful atmosphere ensuring that he’s neither handicapped in his role nor subject to a hostile workplace.

SubjectLand Bank Commission Supports Lincoln Bormann
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