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New San Juan County Vaccine Registration System


San Juan County did not receive any new vaccine doses from State Department of Health over the weekend. As a result, there will be NO online first-dose reservation opportunities today.

Please stay tuned for updates on when the next reservation block will become available. At least 36 hours' advance notice will be provided before any opening. Second dose appointments for this week will still happen as scheduled.

Please continue to check the County vaccination website.

In addition, the UW Clinic was not allocated any vaccine for this week and will not begin their vaccine event. We will continue to provide updates as information is available.


While those who can secure an appointment have had a smooth experience, those who have not are left wishing there was a better way.

The good news is that the County is switching to a new system. That said, some existing challenges will remain. Overall, it is an improvement. Here are the details:

-The new registration tool is called PrepMod and is managed by WA Department of Health. The tool is being used by jurisdictions across the country including Los Angeles County, the states of Massachusetts, Alaska, and many more. DOH has recently given approval for it to be used by San Juan County.

-As before, reservations will be released at a set time (next release time will be Friday, February 5th at 5:00pm). The registration link is: https://prepmod.doh.wa.gov/clinic/search, and the link is also included in Step 2 on the COVID Vaccine Page. Please note, it will not be possible to find or book appointments in San Juan County until the set time that reservations open.

-At this time, it is not known how many doses of vaccine will arrive for next week’s vaccine events. That number will be posted to the COVID Vaccine Page once available - most likely the morning of February 5th.

-A video with clear instructions on registering is available here: https://youtu.be/PZKxzXbZnas. It is highly recommended that you view the video before registering.


1. Only those who are currently eligible to receive vaccine may register. Please use the Phase Finder tool at http://www.findyourphasewa.org/ if you are not sure of your eligibility. Note that using this tool does not book your registration or add you to a waitlist.

2. The initial appointment search screen will list vaccine events state-wide. Once San Juan County reservations are open (Friday, February 5th at 5:00pm), enter your zip code and a radius of 15 miles and you will see all current vaccine events in San Juan County.

3. Each vaccine event will display the number of available appointments. If that number is zero, you will not be able to register.

4. If slots are available, you will be asked to enter detailed information (again, please view the instructional video). If multiple people are in the system at the same time, those slots may fill before the registration process is complete. This is certainly not ideal, but we have been informed that Department of Health is working with PrepMod to try to address this challenge.

5. If you do secure an appointment, you will see a notification, and then receive a confirmation email (be sure to check your spam folder!)

Please visit the San Juan County COVID Vaccine Page for critical details. Continue reading below for more in-depth information.

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