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2020 Spirit Award Celebration

The Andy and Dolly Holland Spirit Award was created in 2000 to honor Lopezians who have consistently improved the lives of everyone on island. Recipients give to the community in extraordinary ways: unselfishly, reliably, lovingly, with tolerance and integrity. They are often the community’s unsung heroes.

The award was inspired by the retired couple who, after a working life of public service in forestry and education, moved here before the Lopez Center had been built. Seeing the need, the Hollands presented a check for $50,000 to the Board. "Get going with the project," Andy said, kicking off a fundraiser that paid-up front-for construction of the building that stands today.

During previous years, the Award celebration has embodied Lopez Spirit. Everyone was invited and contributed. Lopez Center donated the space, sound/video help, non-alcoholic beverages and set-up for no-host bar. Friends and family created the program and decorated to make it a memorable evening. Everyone who attended brought potluck dishes and stories to share.

For the 2020 award, the Lopez Center Board and staff decided to continue the tradition with a virtual celebration. They also felt that given the extraordinary events of the past year, it made sense to honor all of the nominees. So many Lopezians have gone above and beyond to support each other during this trying time.

Over 60 Lopezians answered the call to submit a nomination and over 20 different individuals and organizations were nominated! Mary Wondra, Dave Rucker, and Janet Baltzer read the written nominations and Karlena Pickering provided drone photographs. The project was managed by Robert Harrison.

We hope you enjoy the celebration!

Subject2020 Spirit Award Celebration
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