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Creaky Yoga Chair Class In-Person and on Zoom

If you are looking for a way to increase your strength, flexibility, balance, sense of wellness, and feeling of community you are invited to drop in to a Creaky Yoga class.
Zoom classes are also available. Both teachers and students look forward to connecting with you!

Here is some background on Creaky Yoga:

Creaky Yoga is gentle yoga geared toward aging bodies or for those of any age recovering from injuries, though all are welcome. All classes offer strengthening, flexibility, balance, wellness and community.

This chair class is for those who are challenged by being able to get up and down from the floor. The class is not all in a chair-- there is standing work also. Note there are also mat classes for those who can get up and down from the floor (see other postings).

Creaky Yoga instructors have special training to know how to accommodate the practice to anyone's particular limitations.

Classes continue to be taught by donation. Those with means donate more on a voluntary sliding scale to support other classmates who might be living on fixed incomes. Suggested donation is $5 - $20 per class. All classes are drop-in and all are welcome.

Zoom information: You can go to www.creakyyoga.org to get the link to our Zoom classes. You can get the passcode for the Zoom session by emailing creakyyogateam@gmail.com. Also send an email if you would like to be on the Creaky Yoga mailing list (to learn about special workshops or short-notice or weather-related cancellations) or get further information about Creaky Yoga.

SubjectCreaky Yoga Chair Class In-Person and on Zoom
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