A Community Website by Lopez Island
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Join us tomorrow at 5 to help design the Glory of the Seas.

Lopez Community Center - Thursday - 5-7PM -Sept. 29th

The Glory Project is a grassroots effort to build, maintain and operate an electric and sail powered tall ship to protect the Salish sea, foster coastal communities, and support ocean based art and culture. This winter we are launching the first phase of our capital campaign to finalize the design of the vessel and purchase materials

We need your help to design the vessel and brainstorm ways our community can use this vessel and build lasting support.

Join us this Thursday for an hour long design charrette and a chance to learn more about the project.

We will also be rolling out the longest hand sewn sail on the west coast for the first time!

If you want to come aboard the the Glory of the Seas, the schooner will be at the Islander dock at 4PM Thursday.

We are looking for diverse perspectives and outside the box ideas. Please feel free to share this event with friends you think would be interested.

If you can’t make out, you can email us your ideas at: thegloryoftheseas@gmail.com

Learn more at: thegloryoftheseas.org

SubjectJoin us tomorrow at 5 to help design the Glory of the Seas.
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